Arrrr, PirateShip is a guessing game fer two hearty pirates. The game be played on four 10x10 grids, two for each pirate. On one grid, the pirate arranges ships and records the shots by the opponent. On the other grid, the pirate records their own shots.
Afore the game starts, each pirate secretly arranges their ships on their primary grid. Each ship occupies a number of consecutive squares on the grid, arranged either horizontally or vertically. The ships cannot overlap on any square. Also, the number of squares for each ship is determined by its type:
Long boat (5)
Gunner (4)
Jolly Boat (3)
Man-oβ-War (3)
Gally (2)
After the ships are positioned, the game goes in rounds. In each round, each pirate's turn consists of announcing a target square in the opponent's grid. If a ship occupies the square, then it takes a hit. The pirate's opponent announces whether or not the shot has hit one of their ships. Then, the opponent fires a shot at the first pirate's ships.
When all of the squares of a ship have been hit, the ship is sunk. After all of one pirate's ships have been sunk, the game ends and the other pirate wins. The game will be playable with 2 players. The pirate who sinks all of their opponent's ships will be the ultimate victor!
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