Free-to-play Currency
Last updated
Free-to-play Currency
Last updated
Arrr, me hearty! PirateRush be havin' a special currency known as GEMs. These GEMs be awarded to all newly connected wallets as a means to test a game before settin' yer SOL on the line. With GEMs, ye can play and test all our games without worryin' about losin' yer valuable SOL.
Newly connected wallets will receive 2500 GEMs to start with, which can be used to play all our games. We be buildin' a leaderboard for GEMs and plan on awardin' a variable amount to connected wallets. A new game event for the GEMs leaderboard will also be comin' soon, so be sure to keep an eye out for that!
PirateRush holders can also compete with their GEMs to see who can win the biggest prize. The PirateRush holder who generates the most GEMs with their starting amount will earn a special prize as decided upon by our team. Remember, GEMs do not leave the PirateRush games and do not have any real value outside of bein' a free-to-play currency.