PirateRush OGs
OG Crew in the NFT Collection
Last updated
OG Crew in the NFT Collection
Last updated
Arrr mateys, listen up! Ye may have noticed that there be two types of NFTs in circulation among our PirateRush crew. Some NFTs have a brown wick while others have a golden wick with the trait "OG" labeled as "Yes".
The OG NFTs were given to our original crew members when we first set sail on this journey. They are special because they currently receive a 2x rev share and will have the future utility to purchase a rev share upgrade up to 3x using $NUG tokens earned by staking. Only OG NFTs will have the ability to upgrade their rev share.
While there may be more future utility associated with OG NFTs, we haven't quite charted that course yet. But for now, keep an eye out for those golden wicks, me hearties!