Turtles PvP
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Avast, me hearties! Ye be interested in Turtles PvP, a brand new game from PirateRush! This game be similar to Solana Shuffle, but with the added excitement of wagering SOL, NUG, GEM, or other SPL tokens against another user!
The more tokens ye be willin' to bet, the better yer odds of winnin'. This be a PvP version of Turtles of Tortuga, where ye may even pool yer wagers with other players to increase yer chances of victory! Rewards be split based on the ratio of the bet placed on the winning Turtle.
In the future, we be plannin' on introducin' project v project turtle rooms, where ye must hold the NFT of a project to place a bet on a turtle. This will let projects decide which be the better project by placing their bets!
We also have alternate game modes where only yer wallet can bet on each turtle, so ye don't have to share yer winnings or risk bein' attacked by other players.
Turtles PvP be a 100% RTP game, and as with all games on PirateRush, there be a 3.5% transaction fee per bet placed on the turtle. So gather yer coins, me hearties, and come test yer luck in Turtles PvP!